Social media users' attitudes towards Corona Pandemic (Covid19): A secondary analysis of Natural language processing approach studies

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Faculty of Mass Communication- MSA University Key words: Social Media- Corona Pandemic- Natural Language processing – Sentiment analysis.


In line with the new technology of AI, this study comes to shed the light on how AI could be used in academic research. Programmers developed a natural language processing (NLP) approach that could be used to analyze social media networking.
 In 2020, most  of the countries all over the world are influenced by Corona pandemic. The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes of social media users towards this pandemic. Secondary analysis of NLP studies is used to have a complete and clear vision of this approach and its application on attitudes toward Coronavirus. 92 studies through 7 academic databases were analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative manner. Results showed the importance of this new approach in attitude and sentiment investigation in addition to the application, ethical and linguistic obstacles of this approach in media studies specific.


Main Subjects

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