The academic elite's use of Instagram for seeking news

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Journalism, at Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls- Cairo


The problem of the study is defined as the attempt to identify the academic elite use of and seeking news from Instagram. The study used the survey questionnaire method to understand how the academic elite uses and seeks news from the site. The study sample number, after excluding invalid entries, reached 250. The study reached the following conclusions:
•        The academic elite uses Instagram for several purposes, on top of which is entertainment
•        The study sample is mostly (63.6%) using the site to search for the topic they need to understand their details, while 42% of the study sample uses Instagram to follow up on topics subject of community debates.
•        Validating the hypothesis that there is a statistically significant correlation between the rate of seeking news from Instagram and gratifications achieved.
•        Validating the hypothesis that there is a statistically significant correlation between the motives of seeking news from Instagram and the strategy of seeking.


Main Subjects

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