Media coverage of the Egyptian Senate elections 2020 in talk show programs Comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor- Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT)- Smart Village


 The study is related to an important electoral entitlement, which is the Egyptian Senate Elections after it had been interrupted for years. Various media outlets competed in following the entire electoral process, as an integral part of Egyptian parliamentary life, by monitoring and analyzing the role played by talk show programs in the media treatment of the Council elections process. The Egyptian Senate Elections for 2020, analyzing the similarities and differences between the two channels' media handling methods; The first - which represents government media - and dmc - which represents private media, from July 4, 2020 to September 16, 2020, which is the period from the beginning of the announcement of the opening of the candidacy door, and until the announcement of the final results.
 The study concluded that there is a clear retreat for government channels in front of private channels in their handling of the electoral process. The dmc channel, through its program (Masaa dmc), allocated a media space times the area allocated for coverage in Channel One in the (Al tasaeaa Masaan - 9 PM) program, which was evident in the diversity of the forms, methods of discussion, and aspects through which the Egyptian Senate elections 2020 were addressed in the (Masaa dmc) program, on the other hand, the weakness of treatment appeared in the (Al tasaeaa Masaan - 9 PM) program, which did not allocate much space for the elections, and thus did not vary in the forms and templates of the content it provides ; To narrow the space allocated to it mainly.


Main Subjects

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