The impact of reliance on Saudi official media platforms on Twitter on the knowledge and behaviors of the public towards the Corona pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Faculty of Mass communication- Cairo University Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia


The study was aimed at identifying the impact of the reliance on Saudi official media platforms on Twitter on the knowledge and behaviors of the public towards the Corona pandemic on An intentional sample is available from Twitter users in Saudi Arabia in The Gaza Region of Jazan, and this study is one of the descriptive studies that seek to track a particular phenomenon for the purpose of describing and analyzing and identify the reasons behind it, and rely on the survey method, and based on a deliberate sample available from the population of Saudi Arabia consisting of (230) individual years during the period of 7-11 2020 Twitter is a population of Saudi Arabia in Jazan region, and the study found a percentage of the permanent followers of official media platforms on Twitter towards the Corona pandemic 67.4%, followed by followers and interested sometimes by 29.6% and the of 97% Followers of those platforms while the percentage of those who do not follow these platforms 3%, the media platform of the Saudi Ministry of Health on Twitter tops the first place as the most important media platform followed by the researchers with 61.3%, followed by second place and 42.2% for the official Saudi newspapers and then The study found statistical lycee differences in terms of the effects of official media platforms on Twitter cognitive, emotional and behavioral depending on the educational level of the researchers, and the educational levels most affected are the university and graduate level, and there are statistically significant differences in terms of the effects of official media platforms at the age of the literate in terms of the emotional and behavioral effects of the 20-year-old group < /span>.


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