The effect of exposure intensity for tik tok programs, on psychological and behavioral characteristics of children in Egyptian society

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Misr University for Science and Technology


The study aimed to identify the extent of the child's association with modern technology and the rate of hours the child communicates with this technology, the extent to which parents monitor the children's use of the Tik Tok application, and the nature of the behaviors that the child acquires as a result of his use of the TIK TOK application, the extent of the child's attachment and his familiarity with the use of Tik Tok application, Learn about the risks of the Tik Tok application on children, and how to protect children from using this application, and this study is part of the descriptive studies as it seeks to reveal the extent of children's use of social networking sites, and their use of the Tik Tok application, and the study community represents parents Matters of modern communication technology users of children in the age group from 4 years to 15 years and the application of TIK TOK is the original research community on which our field study is conducted, and thus we have tended to choose 200 individual parents of children who use the application of Tik Tok in the Egyptian community.
The study found that children use modern communication technology permanently and that was 66%, that most children spend from 4 to 6 hours using modern communication technology by 59%, depending on the time available by 62%, and the results of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents agree That modern communication technology leads to the child's adoption of new values ​​that differ from customs and social values ​​by 68%.


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