The Relation between the Level of Digital Citizenship among university youth and their awareness of Fake News on social media

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the extent of Egyptian university youth perception of fake news on social media and its relationship to their levels of digital citizenship، and the study is one of the descriptive studies that used the field media survey method by applying to an available sample of (400) respondents in the age group of (18-21) years Of students (Cairo University - Ain Shams University - October 6 University - Al Shorouk Academy) through the questionnaire tool.
- Respondents use social networking sites "always" by 85% and "sometimes" by 15%، and Facebook came as the first communication site used by the respondents.
- The concept of fake news came according to the opinion of the respondents، "false fabricated news"، followed by "the intentional presentation of false or misleading allegations."
- There is a positive correlational relationship with statistical significance between the respondents' perception of fake news on social media sites and their levels of digital citizenship.

Main Subjects

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