A summary of a research entitled "Methods for Arab online Newspapers to Confront the Crisis of Offensive Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Press Editorial at Taibah University


A summary of a research entitled "Methods for Arab online Newspapers to Confront the Crisis of Offensive Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad"
By Dr .Abdulhafiez Abdelgawada Darwish Mostafa
Assistant Professor of Press Editorial at Taibah University
This study revealed the role of Arab online newspapers in facing the crisis of cartoons that are offensive to the Holy Prophet Mohammad, by monitoring the topics they raised, analyzing the objectives of the press material, and monitoring and analyzing the media standards that Arab online newspapers.
The study used the media survey method, both descriptive and analytical, through the content analysis tool. The study sample consisted of three Arab online newspapers: “Akhbar elyom website”, “ALDostor website” and “Shorouknews website”.
As for the period, it extended from October 2020 to the end of December 2020.
The study reached several results, including:
" Akhbar elyom website " came first in terms of journalistic methods, then "the Algerian newspaper shorouknews website ", then " AlDostor website ".
 As for the objectives of the journalistic article, it came in the forefront of "condemnation, then" calling for a position ", then «Explanation».
Regarding the contexts employed by Arab online newspapers, the context of “rejection” came first with a percentage (26.48%), then the context of “warning” (16.51%), then the context of “assigning responsibility” at a rate (14.02%), then the context of “political exploitation”. By (9.97%), then the context of “criticism” by (9.66%), then “the context of conflict” by (9.03%), then the context of “cooperation” by (7.48%).
As for the values ​​included, the value of “tolerance and community peace” came first with a rate (29.39%), then the value of “respect for religions and sacred things” by (22.81%), then the value of “freedom of responsible expression” by (17.54%), then the value of “acceptance The Other »by (17.11%), then the value of “Advice to follow the prophets “by (13.16%).


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