Minority Issues in Arab Drama - An Application to Television and Theatrical Drama in Kuwait "An Analytical Study"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Drama -Department of Radio and Television - Faculty of Media and Mass Communication- October 6 University (O6U)


the study aims to identify the role of Kuwaiti Gulf drama (theatrical and television) in solving the problem of minorities in it? Clarifying the relationship between Gulf law and the opinion of the public and the elite regarding these issues? The degree to which the Kuwaiti society accepts minorities according to the state's policies and orientations. Therefore, the study will be concerned with presenting and analyzing some dramatic models (theatrical and television) produced by the State of Kuwait, which dealt with minority issues and discussed them, reviewing the conditions and messages that these artistic works were interested in communicating and broadcasting in the Arab community,their psychological and social motives, and the obstacles to solution and prosperity
The study relied on collecting its data by using the following:
1- Previous studies, websites and live observations of some study samples.
2- The content analysis tool for the following works of art: (The series:“The Bamboo Leg, And There Was An All Time, The Ten Sins, Black Eyeliner And A White Heart,” and the plays:“The Victim of the House of Honor,”“Building 70”,and “The Government is Abkhas. ” And "Boys and Girls").
3- A tool for collecting data related to the subject of the study through a (survey form).
The study is based on Survey Method, using Monitoring Method. Critical Analysis.
The study will be divided into two parts, five sections, and a conclusion that includes the recommendations of the study.


Main Subjects

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