Critical analysis of Arab and foreign researchs For People with special needs usage to means of communication and gratifications achieved during this period (2013-2018) With establishing a vision of future research

Document Type : Original Article


mansoura university


The study aimed at determining the Common research approaches in the field of using people with Special needs to means of communication and the satisfaction achieved as a result of and finding out about the topics, issues, and arguments tacked by these studies and identifying the theoretical and intellectual frames, and the systematic designs used (applied) as well as presenting a future vision that helps to block the gaps in scientific outcomes, developing the research and academic, efforts and suggesting an agenda of future researches that enable researchers to track guide in the coming period to achieve the two elements of Originality and innovation in our Arab researches.
This Study belongs to a set of descriptive Surveys based on the following methodology (meta - analysis, Survey methodology, Comparative methodology) and it also relied on an analysis form of applying Analytical Style of Meta – Analysis.
To achieve its aims, the Survey has been based on the way (style) of the available Sample derived from Arab and Foreign research and Surveys published in scientific magazines and Specialized Periodicals in addition to published books and publications., university messages published and not published, Scientific and research paper introduced into Local, global, and universal Conferences it may stand for the chronological frame of the Specimen in the last 5 years (2013-2018).
The use of Common Social media platforms may be an effective means to reach approach to this class of the disabled.
People with special needs turned out to face several obstacles while surfing the internet and several techniques based on devices and Programming have been developed for that purpose


Main Subjects

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