A comparative study between the resolution to grant a license to issue the first newspaper in the Kingdom of Bahrain in (1939) and Decree Law No. (47) for the year 2002 regarding the regulation of the press, printing, and publishing

Document Type : Original Article


Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research / University of Bahrain / Manama / kingdom of Bahrain


Objective: This study aims to explore the laws and decisions regulating the affairs of press, printing, and publishing, and the conditions contained in them for granting a license to publish a newspaper in Bahrain, before and after the issuance of the first law for press, printing, and publishing, and to identify the most significant differences and similarities.
Method: The researcher has relied on a comparative approach as his methodology. This has involved reviewing relevant legal texts and documents, interviewing three history and documentation specialists, and consulting three legal experts.
Results: The researcher has reached a set of results, the most important of which were that the resolution to grant a license to issue the first newspaper in Bahrain included conditions compatible with the Decree-Law No. (47), for the year 2002 regarding the regulation of the press, printing, and publishing being in force now, and conditions contrary to it.
The study also revealed that all decisions and laws related to the press, whether during or after the British protection period, all agreed on the necessity of licensing newspapers.


Main Subjects

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