Techniques of using smartphones in the visual media production - Exploratory Study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mass Communication - Beni-Suef University


The research aims to monitor using smartphones technologies in the development of visual media production and the transformations that these technologies have brought to the form and content of programs, the most important challenges facing it and the prospects for the future of media production and broadcasting in light of technological development, through an exploratory study by conducting a case study on 10MOJO studio, which It is considered the first studio entirely based on the use of smartphone technologies in Egypt and the Arab world, and it is the tenth in the world according to the Paris International Video Mobile Conference held in February 2020, where the studio uses smartphones and tablets in all stages of media production from filming to editing Video, sound mixing, design, graphics, etc., and even live broadcasting through social media platforms.
The study reached several results, the most important of which was that the acceptance of new technology and the adoption of the innovation of using of smartphones in media production had repercussions on the form and content of media production, including the design of the form of program content provided by 10MOJO Studio to suit the nature of the digital platforms that are broadcast through it, and with the proportions and dimensions of smartphone screens that depend on the longitudinal shape, unlike television. The study also found that one of the most important repercussions of adopting smartphones as an innovation in visual media production related to media performance is the endeavor of those in charge of Studio 10MOJO towards relying on a new vision and philosophy that attracts the audience by relying on (content creator) as an alternative to (anchor/host). 


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