Mechanisms of the Egyptian Public in Verifying Fake News and its Relationship their Interactive Patterns on Social Networking Sites

Document Type : Original Article


Est media - el_minia


The Study Aimed to Reveal and Monitor the Mechanisms of the Egyptian Public's Verification of Fake News According to their Interaction Patterns with Social Networking Sites, This Study Belongs to the Descriptive Studies, Which Relied on the Random Sampling Strategy “Metropolis-Hastings” to Draw a Representative Sample of this Population, The Questionnaire was Used as a Tool for Collecting Data from a Sample of (407) Users of Social Networking Sites from the Egyptian Public. The Study Concluded With Several Results, the Most Important of Which are: The Behavior of More than Half of the Egyptian Public in the Study Sample was Characterized by the Use of "Watching" (the Negative Pattern), while Less than Half of the Study Sample Participated in the Rest of the Interactive Patterns (the Positive Pattern), Despite the Excessive Intensity of the Use of Social Networking Sites for All Members of the Sample. : “WhatsApp” and “Facebook” are the List of Social Platforms Most used by Egyptians. The Egyptian Public Also Values ​​the Trust of Social Media News Sources with a Medium Degree of Confidence, While the Egyptian Public Verifies Social Media News Through Two Stages: Internal Verification, and External Verification. It has been proven that there are no Statistically Significant Differences in the Mechanisms of Verification of Fake News by the Egyptian Public According to their Interaction Patterns with Social Networking Sites, the Intensity of their Use of Social Networking Sites, and the Degree of their Evaluation of the Credibility of the Accounts of News Sources that they Follow on Social Networking Sites.


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