Saudi public's evaluation of the of the Ministry of Health spokesman in the light of Corona pandemic: A field study

Document Type : Original Article


Imam muhammad ibn saud islamc


The study aimed to identify the Saudi public's assessment of the performance of the official spokesman for the Saudi Ministry of Health in light of the Corona pandemic, based on the "Sharp model" in public relations practice. The researcher relied on the survey method, in its field part, by applying it to a random sample of (249) individuals from the Saudi public. The study concluded that the Saudi public’s evaluation of the performance of the official spokesperson of the Ministry of Health in light of the Corona pandemic is generally positive. It showed that the Saudi public sees the credibility of the official spokesman, and confidence in him. In addition to the positive attitudes of the public towards the justice of the spokesperson to achieve the mutual interest. The results also demonstrated the ability of the spokesperson to satisfy the communication needs of the audience, and reach the public's satisfaction with it.


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