Trends of Ethnic Groups in Egypt Towards the Role of Visual Media in Achieving Cultural Integration - Nubia as a Model

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Radio & TV-Mass communication department


The study sought to find out the role of visual media(programs-drama) on satellite channels in achieving the cultural integration of the Nubian society as a model for ethnic groups in Egypt and to identify the style most used by the visual media in dealing with ethnic groups as relatively marginalized groups with special cultural nature.
The study aimed to identify the opinion of the Nubian sample members of the size and attitude of satellite channels’ approach to the issues of the Nubian society in dramas and programs, and to explore their views on the presence of the Nubian character in dramas, the nature of this presence, and the mental image that the media content establishes, and to monitor the manifestations of media interaction patterns with Nubians, and to identify the mechanisms that enable the media to achieve cultural integration of the Nubians.
The researcher depended on the media survey method, using the questionnaire tool by applying an electronic form on 400 respondents from Nubians.
The study concluded to a number of important results, which are: The visual media through satellite channels does not play a positive role in the process of cultural integration between ethnic groups and the rest of society, despite being a global mass medium that depends on the image through which cultural vocabulary related to movement and color can be transmitted. With high viewing rates among the Egyptian society in general and the Nubian in particular, although the new media in its social networks has begun to compete with the visual mass media, especially among the ethnic groups and the marginalized, who find it a window for them on the surrounding society and the world, and that profiling is the most prominent method of dealing used by the Official and private visual media with Nubians.


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