The Effect of Augmented Reality Advertisements on the Attitude of Egyptian Youth Towards the Advertised: A Field Study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Public Relations - Department of Media - College of Arts - Mansoura University


The study aimed to identify the impact of augmented reality advertisements via mobile phones on the Egyptian youth’s attitude towards the advertised product, and to know the motives for young people to follow up on augmented reality advertisements via mobile phones, and to reveal the trends of young people towards the methods and forms in which augmented reality advertisements are presented via smart phones. The researcher is based on the survey method in a field apartment, by applying a questionnaire to an available sample of (450) single Egyptian youth who use augmented reality applications on mobile phones, and the study relied on the theory of media richness. The results also revealed a statistically significant correlation between the attractions used in augmented reality advertisements and the trend towards the advertised product.


Main Subjects

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