Egypt University Student’s perception of Personal branding on social media “A qualitative study”

Document Type : Original Article


lecturer Of Mass Communication, women’s College Ain shams University


This study aims at studying Egypt University Students' perceptions of personal branding on Social Media in terms of personal branding importance, strategy and compatibility with the employer expectations. The study is based on qualitative research methodology, as it is limited to a small number of participants. (23) purposefully selected participants were interviewed. They were selected from the Egyptian government and private universities students
The study findings concluded:
All sample students use non-professional social media such as Facebook and Instagram for connecting with their families, friends and acquaintances, while only a small number of students use professional social media such as LinkedIn. the students’ use of social media was noticed to be a bit juvenile and lack experience and skills. The study results also demonstrated that the students lack a firm understanding of the personal brand concept and its components. They were not able to manage the same consistently and effectively. Though they were able to perform personal brand self-examination via determining their points of strength and weakness; they did not prefer to use self-promotion or display their strengths via social media. Furthermore, they were not interested in expanding or diversifying their communications via social media, among colleagues and expert specialists, employers and companies of interest. The students aimed to use auto surveillance for curiosity or reach happiness without seeking to select their conversations or avoid errors affecting the professional level. Despite the foregoing, the students realized personal branding importance, effectiveness, and benefits, however, they chose to postpone managing the same until they reached a good understanding of themselves through obtaining sufficient experience in their field of study.


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