Documentary films and their relationship to the cognitive competencies and reflective thinking of undergraduate students

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Department of Educational media - Faculty of Specific Education- Mansoura University


     In light of the changes of contemporary society, there are many sources of knowledge that broadcast and disseminate a huge amount of knowledge, facts and information, and documentaries are one of these sources interested in the production and transfer of knowledge; It is one of the cognitive and intellectual development tools, as it is considered as a comprehensive encyclopedia of knowledge in the various fields of science, and the viewer of documentaries receives an abundance of knowledge, information, experiences and skills that work to form his knowledge building and stimulate his cognitive competencies, which in turn contribute to the development of mental processes and urge him to Practicing reflective thinking and deepening the information and not accepting it until after examining, checking and constantly re-visioning it; To open new horizons of knowledge derived from it; Contemplative thinking is a special style of thinking related to awareness and knowledge, and it is also the product of the abundance and flow of information and knowledge to which the individual is exposed. Cognitive competencies and reflective thinking of students?), and the study tools were the survey newspaper and the cognitive competencies and reflective thinking scales, and they were applied to a sample of (400) individuals, and the results of the study concluded that there is a strong direct relationship between the rate of students’ exposure to documentaries and the level of their cognitive competencies, Where it was (t > 0.7) and it is at the 0.01 level, and there is a medium positive relationship between the rate of students’ exposure to documentaries and their level of reflective thinking, where it was (0.3 < t < 0.7), which is at the 0.01 level, and there is a medium positive relationship between the level of cognitive competencies and thinking students, where it was (0.3 < t < 0.7) and it is at the level of 0.01.


Main Subjects

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