The official government and media pages on Facebook manipulating the political crises in Egypt after 30 June An analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura university


The problem of the study determined by identifying the methods of social networks’ handling of the political crises that Egypt experienced after June 30, through conducting an analytical study on a sample of official government and media pages, using the content analysis tool for a sample of (311) posts, based on the qualitative analysis method. The keenness of the media’s treatment of the official pages of the Egyptian government in dealing with crises, the study sample, to confirm the correctness of the authority’s position, and that it has all the facts and information about the reality of crises; Not only from a single research, but from a “general agreement” of all state institutions and official bodies, and that what the public has of information or facts about crises is incorrect, and that it is the product of fabrications and counterfeiting from electronic battalions, unknown sources, known targets on social media, and thus the media discourse worked. To establish the foundations of the authority’s position and confirm its credibility, and made it clear that Egypt still adheres to political and diplomatic options in managing the crisis, without negating its right.


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