Scenography of identity spaces and artistic representations in pictures of the procession of transferring royal mummies through international websites: an analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


South Valley University - Faculty of Mass Communication - Department of Journalism


The study presents the results of the analysis of press photos from April 2021, which were published with news reports about the ceremony of transferring the royal mummies on the international websites (BBC-CNN-Franc24), as this event was well represented in the global electronic media during this period. Which took place during the time frame of the "New Republic" whose features are drawn by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, which witnessed an expansion in the repertoire of public images about Egypt's image globally. And that is through using the mechanisms of scenographic analysis to link the visual artistic representation around this event and its relationship to the production, consolidation, or even reinterpretation of identity spaces. We aim to critically discuss how images of the Royal Mummies procession are visualized on websites, which must be understood as part of social and cultural practices.
In sum, the results of the scenographic analysis of photos of the procession of transporting the royal mummies through the international websites of the study sample revealed a set of connotations and ideas that focus on the Egyptian identity, the capabilities of the Egyptian people, and the continuous role of the Egyptian civilization. The coincidence of holding the procession after the flotation of the ship stuck in the Suez Canal revealed several common features between the two events and laid down many messages that reflect the capabilities of Egypt's soft power.


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