The Impact of Sons' and Parents' Digital Citizenship on their Direct Family Connections: A Dyadic Analysis Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM)

Document Type : Original Article


Est media - el_minia


The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of digital citizenship for sons and their parents on direct family ties A Dyadic Analysis Using the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model (APIM). This study is part of the descriptive study that employed the survey methodology based on resolution as a tool to collect data from a multi-stage sample according to the simulation of "Monte Carlo". A sample of (265) couples of Sons and their parents responded to the application. Excessive use of digital media by sons and their parents, and sons have "upper" experience of digital media as opposed to "middle" parenting experience, as well as Sons and parents with "high" digital citizenship; Sons and parents also had a "high" level of direct family relations. In a related context, the results of bilateral analyzes based on the model of the relationship between the Actor–Partner (APIM) indicated that Direct Family Connections of Sons are positively related to the level of Digital Citizenship between them and their parents. Direct Family Connections of parents are positively related to the level of Digital Citizenship between them and their Sons. In addition, there is a statistically significant relationship between the following: The level of Digital Citizenship of Sons and their parents, and the level of Direct Family Connections of Sons and their parents.


Main Subjects

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