Humanizing the media discourse to enhance intellectual security and support the sustainable development goals: a proposed Arab media vision for restructuring

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to set basic indicators and criteria for restructuring and building a humane Arab media discourse that counts the human being’s worth and does not infringe on his dignity. different Arab media professionals with years of experience and job positions; The sample was gathered between professional experts and media professors to coordinate between them, and the study dealt with violations of human rights by the Arab media and identified the content of the media discourse that enhances intellectual security, and the role of humanized development media in supporting sustainable development goals, and addressed the pressures facing Arab media professionals, and how the human dimension can be taken into account in coverage. The study set indicators for the humanization of news materials and digital humanization, and also identified the dangers of drifting behind the absolute humanization of the media discourse and the harms of excessive, and the difference between humanization and the heart of the truth by humanizing the perpetrator and demonizing the victim, and why should be wary of it. A detailed proposed Arab media strategy was drawn up to restructure the discourse The Arab media is based on humanitarian standards that take into account human rights written in international conventions.


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