The impact of digital transformation on teaching and learning in the field of media studies A field study on academics and students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Aswan University


The current research aimed to measure and determine the impact of digital transformation on education and learning in the field of media studies (a field study on academics and students). The research sample is 400 individuals, and the current research has reached several results, including: There are statistically significant differences in the degree of awareness of faculty members and students in Egyptian universities about the extent to which technological innovations are employed in universities and between raising the level of benefit for respondents according to age or gender, and the study indicated that the requirements of digital transformation in In the fields of media studies in Egypt, there is a need for a strong faculty capable of investing technology to achieve the goals of studying in the media field, at a rate of 96.3%. The extent to take advantage of e-learning and complete the curriculum for this year to the fullest.


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