Evaluting the effectiveness of institutional communication used in the dissemination of total quality practices inside the higher education institutions "Study on a sample of faculties of mass communication in Egyptian universities "

Document Type : Original Article


Canadian international college


This study aimed to identify the nature of institutional communication in terms of its methods and strategies used within the studied faculties, identify the application of total quality management inside them, and evaluate the role of institutional communication in spreading its practice among the teaching staff. This study belongs to the descriptive study that was applied to a sample of 150 members of teaching staff in (Canadian international College – faculty of mass Communication affiliated with Al-Azhar University - faculty of mass Communication affiliated with Cairo University) depending on n a survey to collect study data. The results of the study proved the following: Technological methods such as online meetings via Zoom, Google classroom platforms, chat groups via mobile phone applications, mail and the website came at the forefront of the communication methods used to disseminate total quality practices with a rate of 74.7%. The participation strategy came to the fore in terms of use in disseminating total quality practices, with a percentage of 56.7%. The efficiency of institutional communications, in general, in the dissemination of total quality practices was 48.7%, and the obstacles in the message came at the forefront of the most frequent obstacles with a percentage of 48%. The quality of human resources was at the forefront of the most well-known total quality practices within the studied faculties with a percentage of 82%, while the academic leadership quality practices were the most applied from the point of view of the faculty members by a percentage 60.7%.


Main Subjects

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