Role of communication strategies OF the digital media campaigns of the Ministry of Health in raising awareness of reproductive health checkups and their relationship to the extent of acceptance of children with disabilities

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Zagazig University - Zagazig - Egypt


The study aimed to reveal the communication methods and strategies on which the Ministry of Health’s digital media campaigns are based on reproductive health checks, the study has used the following theoretical frameworks, Media Richness Theory , Social balance theory, The Health Belief Model, Theory of planned behavior, The study relied on the survey method, and the electronic questionnaire as a tool for data collection.The study reached many results, including that. presenting suggestions to those in charge of these campaigns is at the forefront of ways to deal with the content presented through digital media campaigns about reproductive health checks through the Ministry’s website Health, and there is a statistically significant correlation between the means used in the digital media campaigns of the Ministry of Health about reproductive health checks and its ability to deliver the message to young people about the importance of these checks.


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