Impact of the "Hayah Karima" campaign on TV and the internet on youth's attitudes towards government performance.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


This paper explores the political role of government-sponsored media campaigns, which aim to promote public policies, national projects, and governmental achievements. The main question of this study is to identify the potential effect of exposure to the “Hayah Karima” campaign on TV and the internet on the Egyptian youth's trust in the government and its perceived capacity, attitudes toward the Hayah Karima initiative, and the levels of relevant community engagement. This paper also sheds light on the levels and patterns of youth's exposure to the campaign and their attitudes towards the initiative itself and the government in general. An online survey study was conducted on a sample of 500 media students. The results showed moderate to high levels of exposure to the campaign, especially on TV and social media networks. Although the respondents had positive attitudes toward the government and the Hayah Karima initiative, the levels of community participation in its activities were low. According to the findings, the youth's intensity of exposure to the campaign was not related to levels of trust in government or its perceived political capacity. However, the exposure and attitudes to the campaign had an impact on respondents' levels of participation.


Main Subjects

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