Recent Trends in Research and Studies of Educational use of Platforms

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Media Department Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University


This study aims to explore and analyze the scientific heritage of the educational use of platforms in Arab and foreign research and studies during the period from 2017 to 2022, in terms of their research problems, theoretical frameworks and methodological techniques, intending to explore their strengths and weaknesses theoretically and methodically, and providing an integrated vision, and the current study belongs to studies The researcher used the survey method in a second-level data analysis method. Among the most important results of this study:
- The results revealed the increasing interest of researchers, especially in the United States, European countries and Arab countries, in Educational use of the platforms studies, compared to other researchers in other societies .
- There is a noticeable scarcity in the dependence of Arab and foreign studies on theoretical frameworks, as the results of the study indicated that 41.2% of the total of these studies used clear and specific theoretical frameworks.
-The survey method came at the forefront of these approaches, with a percentage of 69.1% of the total studies that were analyzed.
-The questionnaire tool comes at the forefront of the data collection tools that were employed in the framework of studies of the educational use of the platforms, with a percentage of 50% of the total studies analyzed.


Main Subjects

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