The Interaction Users of Facebook pages with Beirut Port Explosion Incident “A Comparative field study"

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education- Minia University-


The study aimed to identify Forms of interaction the researchers with the explosion accident of the Port Beirut On the study sample pages, The descriptive method was used in sample scanning as a data collection tool, The field sample consisted of (400) students from the Faculty of Media of the Lebanese University - Beirut, Department of Media at the Faculty of Arts - University of Minya – Egypt at who followed the incident of the Beirut Port explosion  in the pages of " BBC Arabic" and "Sky news Arabia" channels, Results show: the existence of statistical differences between Forms of interaction of the researchers with the Beirut port explosion on the pages of the channel 'BBC Arabic', 'Sky News Arabia' according to a change nationality,  In the direction of the students of the Lebanese University Media College, This may indicate that they are more aware of the issue they are pursuing, given that they are at the center of the event, Consequently, they are exposed to it at a high density in the sample pages of the study.


Main Subjects

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