Information and Scientific Knowledge provided by Arabic and Foreign Instructional Animation Channels on YouTube together with the interaction of its audience- Analytical study in the framework of the Information Processing Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Al -azhar University, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic studies


Animation is a powerful tool in education because it can help make difficult concepts more accessible and attractive, and it can also provide visual processing of information that can be more memorable and easier to understand than text or lecture alone, and many studies have shown that educational animation It helps improve perception and increases attention, memory and active processing of information The main objective of this study is to monitor and analyze the information and scientific knowledge covered by Instructional Animation on YouTube and to reveal the interaction of users towards this content, and how to represent the recipients of the information contained in these channels. The study sample was identified in three channels, TED- ED American channel, Kurzgesagt German channel & Hussein Abdullah Arabic channel, 60 videos were identified from the three channels in the analytical sample, and one of the most prominent results of the study was the diversity of topics covered by these channels with explanation and clarification through animation, and information on “physical health” came in the first place in relation to the general total by 23.3%, and in the second place “sciences” Space and the Universe” and “General Information” with a percentage of 18.3. There are many multimedia used by Arab and foreign animation channels in the videos they produce in order to communicate information in an easier and more interesting way to the recipient, including animation 2D, Motion graphics, And sound and visual effects, graphs and maps, and one of the most important goals of using animation channels are to educate users and develop their visual perception. The presenter, praise and encouragement for the content presented came in first place with a percentage of 55%, and in terms of the followers’ representation of the information, the materials presented in the animated media were “easy to understand” with a percentage of 32.8%., In addition to proving research hypotheses that are consistent with the theory of information processing and its hypotheses. 


Main Subjects

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