The use of public relations practitioners in the government sector for social media and its relationship to their professional role Al-Ahsa as Case Study

Document Type : Original Article


College of Arts, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia


This study aims to identify the extent to which public relations practitioners in the government sector in Al-Ahsa Governorate use social media, by knowing the most important social media that they use, the ways they interact with the public through these sites, and to know the most important reasons that motivate public relations practitioners to use social media. And the obstacles they face while using social media, and the impact of this use on the professional role played by public relations practitioners, and the most important proposals of public relations practitioners in the government sector to develop the employment of social media in their professional work within the institution, and this study belongs to the descriptive studies, and this type of studies fits with the nature of the problem and the importance of the study presented. This study relied on the survey method, as it is the most appropriate method for this study, using the questionnaire tool to obtain information.
The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The majority of the study sample members always use social media with a percentage of (82.4%), and they see that one of the most important social media that they use is WhatsApp with a percentage of (85.3%), and it pushes them to use social media to communicate with the public with a percentage of (64.7%), and the majority of them believe that the effects of the use of social media on the professional role of public relations practitioners are high, with a percentage of (61.8%).


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