The Reality of Arab and Foreign Media Studies in the Field of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Journalistic Practice Meta-Analysis study in the period (2018-2022)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Educational Media Dept. (Journalism Division), Tanta University


The study aims to explore and analyze recent Arab and foreign media studies in the field of the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on journalistic practice from various research schools worldwide in the period from 2018 to 2022  This study belongs to the type of analytical descriptive research, which depends on Meta-Analysis method. In this context, both quantitative and qualitative analysis was relied upon, where the number of studies reached (155) research.
Among the most important results of this study:
Artificial intelligence technologies have transformed journalistic practice and affected all aspects of journalism, from journalistic products to the work of journalists, and the relationship of journalism with the public.
-This study confirms that research on the impact of (AI) on journalism as a profession and journalistic practice is still in its infancy and is dominated by contradictory views and inconsistent results.
The vision for the future and the proposed research agenda for the development of research on the impact of (AI) on journalistic practice are represented in the following:
-The need to carry out longitudinal studies to understand how the masses use artificial intelligence tools in news production and publishing, and the effects of this use on journalism.
-Paying attention to conducting comparative studies at the level of different journalistic institutions, both inside and outside Egypt, which is important to compare the effects of (AI) in different social and economic contexts and media environments.
-Continuous monitoring and supervision of the operations carried out by (AI) technologies, Focusing on activating the human role associated with these technologies, especially in light of the growing ethical issues


Main Subjects

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