Audience's Information Seeking About the Egyptian Economy Challenges Through Digital Journalism and its Relationship to Their Perception

Document Type : Original Article


Media department, faculty of Arts. ASU


The Egyptian economy is currently facing a set of challenges that affect the development process and ongoing reform attempts. In light of the digital revolution and the multiplicity of traditional and digital media from which the public draws information about economic challenges, the current research aims to study the audience's information seeking about the Egyptian economy challenges through digital journalism and its relationship to their perception.
     The current study is a descriptive study that uses the survey method, the electronic questionnaire tool, and the theory of information seeking. It was applied to an available intentional sample of 421 individuals from the general Egyptian public who use digital journalism, with different demographic variables.
     The results concluded that the majority of the respondents are interested in following up on economic challenges through the digital press "to a moderate degree" and then "to a large degree", and that the public seeks information about economic challenges through the digital press "sometimes" and then "always". The most important issues followed by the Egyptian public were "the rise in commodity prices" then "the depreciation of the pound against the dollar and other currencies" and then "the impact of global conditions on the Egyptian economy". also, there are differences between the respondents in the level of seeking information according to demographic variables, while there are no differences in the level of awareness according to those variables.


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