Egyptian youth acceptance of using Chat GPT technology as an application of artificial intelligence- A field study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Media , Ain shams university, Journalism Department


Artificial intelligence applications have increased recently and become every day in continuous development and updating, and one of these applications is what is known as Chat GPT technology, which is a smart chat program that relies on a technology that simulates the human mind in the way of thinking and analyzing data, and you can talk to it and chat with it as if it were a normal human being, It has been trained on extensive data that allows it to speak rationally and logically, giving information and answering the questions it is asked.
This exploratory study aims to reveal the extent to which Egyptian youth accept the Chat GPT technology, which is an acronym for Generative Pre-Trained Chat-bot. In applying the questionnaire, it relied on a deliberate sample of (121) individuals who had prior knowledge of this technology.The most important results of this study are the type of information that users prefer when using Chat GPT, so it came: allowing users to choose between detailed and brief information in the first place, and there is a relationship between the rate of use of the respondents - the study sample - for Chat GPT and the trend towards this program, and there were no statistically significant differences between the respondents according to the type of their smart mobile phone and each of: Chat GPT usage rate, technology acceptance categories (relative advantages, suitability, complexity, experiment ability, and observe ability) and attitude towards Chat GPT.


Main Subjects

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