The impact of the Saudi youth’s use of the Snapchat application on their purchasing behavior: A survey study on a sample of Saudi youth in the city of Hofuf, Al-Ahsa Governorate, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article




This study is aimed to identify the rate of exposure of Saudi youth to Snapchat Monitor the motives of exposure of Saudi youth to Snapchat and identify the reality of the relationship between the use of Saudi youth to apply Snapchat and high rates of purchase. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the study reached a set of results, the most important of which is that Snapchat is one of the applications that the respondents rely on most as a source of information about their brand, which they search for, in the first place with a rate of (47.5%), Those who spend (less than an hour) using the Snapchat application come in the first place. Chat with a percentage of (67.5%) and they represent (135) items, Those who use the Snapchat application daily came in first place with a percentage of (47%), Most of the study sample use the Snapchat application permanently (47.5%), Most the study sample are urban residents with a rate of (70%), (42%) of the study sample’s age is (from 21 to 30 years), There is an inverse relationship between the Saudi youth’s use of the Snapchat application and the high purchase rates, There is a direct relationship between the motives of Saudi youth’s exposure to Snapchat and the rate of this exposure, There are statistically significant differences between the second group, And the fourth between secondary and postgraduate studies in favor of postgraduate studies, where the arithmetic mean was greater than the mean of the other groups and its value was (16.30).


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