Evaluation of the Egyptian consumer's use of discount coupons and cashback applications via smart phones - (A field study in the light of the S.O.R model)

Document Type : Original Article


public relations and advertising,masscoounication of ain sham university, cairo, egypt


The study aimed to evaluate the consumer's experience use of discount coupons and cashback applications via smartphones by presenting a proposed theoretical model in the light of the variables of the stimulus and response model (S.O.R) to determine the role of the quality dimensions of these applications: (system quality - service quality - information quality), and the role of customer value: (functional value - emotional value - economic/financial value - social value). It is a descriptive study that relied on the survey methodology, using the electronic questionnaire tool, and it was applied to a Purposive sample of 366 respondents who used discount coupons and cash-back applications via smartphones. The results showed the validity of the hypotheses of the proposed theoretical model as an extension of the S.O.R model, as it showed the importance of the role of the dimensions of the quality of discount coupons and cash-back applications, especially system quality in forming the behavioral response of the respondents towards these applications. It also showed the effectiveness of the mediating role of the variables of customer value, consumer trust, and consumer satisfaction in affecting the relationship between dimensions of the quality of discount coupon applications and the behavioral response of respondents towards these apps. The results also showed that the study sample individuals are satisfied with their experience of using these applications, and they have positive intentions towards continuing to use these applications in the future.


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