The Digital activity of movements to combat violence against women and the feminist movement through social networking sites in Egypt: a qualitative study

Document Type : Original Article


Misr University for Science and Technology


This study deals with one form of the digital movement represented by groups to combat violence against women in the public sphere. This movement includes dozens of different groups, forming the nucleus of a social movement in the making that includes several discourses, some of which are feminist, and some of which are general human rights, although they all share in raising, strongly, the question of bodily integrity and the presence of women in the public sphere. The study specifically focuses on three main points: the mechanisms of constructing each of the movement's discourse (Framing), methods of working on the ground (Repertoires), the mutual influence between them, the relationship between the different feminist discourses put forward by those groups, and finally how to construct the problem of violence against women by These groups as a social problem and the role of different feminist discourses in formulating that problem.
Given the breadth of these movements and groups and the multiplicity of actors in them, this short ethnographic study focuses on a number of active groups within the framework of the broader movement to combat violence against women, namely: the Anti-Harassment and Violence Against Women Action Force, the Bassma movement, the feminist organization Nazra for Feminist Studies, and the electronic group The “Girls’ Revolution”, due to the nature of the role played by social networking sites in reaching out to thousands of young women and men, and in particular the development of what is known in the literature of new social movements.


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