The role of multi-story drama on Egyptian television in shaping young people's attitudes towards the culture of acceptance of the other “Analytical and field study”

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mass Communication - Ain Shams University- Cairo - Egypt


This study aimed at identifying the role played by multi-story dramas in shaping the attitudes of young Egyptians towards the culture of acceptance of the other; This study belongs to descriptive studies, and the survey Method was used in both analytical and field, through the application of a deliberate sample of young Egyptians consisting of 211 individual television dramas viewers using the data collection tool of the (Electronic identification), as well as the analysis of a sample of 8 dramatic stories included in dramatic works with multiple stories selected in a comprehensive inventory of stories that dealt with the culture of acceptance of the other from 2016 to 2023, using a secure analysis form as a tool for collecting study data, within the framework of the "Cultivation Theory" and "Social Responsibility of the Media" theories. The study found several conclusions, the most important of which: The tragic template overcame dramas that dealt with the story of a person with differences and the use of a strong and influential language of dialogue at the forefront of the elements of attraction and dazzle staffed by them and the difference in terms of the health status of the workforce was the most visible in dramatic stories aimed at presenting features of the life of the mainly different person, The results also illustrated the high intensity of Egyptian youth ' the positive trend towards addressing stories dealing with the culture of acceptance of the other; However, there has been no correlation between the intensity of viewing and the positive trend towards the culture of acceptance of the other.
The researcher recommended that attention should be paid to what multi-story drama offers as a dramatic form that is accepted by audiences in general and young people in particular, and exploited to strengthen and consolidate the various positive moral values that contribute to the development of society.


Main Subjects

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