Exposure to Drama and its Relationship to Adolescents' Knowledge of Tangible Cultural Heritage

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of radio and television at the Higher Institute of arts Studies King Marriott, Department of Sociology and Mass communication, Alexandria, Egypt.


The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the Egyptian adolescent audience's exposure to dramas and its cognitive impact on them towards the tangible cultural heritage of "archaeological sites". The study was applied to a field sample of Egyptian adolescent viewers of dramatic content, in the age group from 12 to 15 years. The study sample consisted of 241 individuals. The application of a theoretical model of uses and effects, which integrates a number of independent, intermediate, and dependent variables, in order to measure the relationship between use and effect, in the light of a number of theories explaining the type of effect to be measured. The results of the study revealed that there is a relationship between the respondents' exposure to dramas on television, and video viewing platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, Shahid, and VIU Egypt applications, and the effect of this exposure on them cognitively, in the presence of intermediate variables. And that the respondents watched less than half of the episodes, with their preference for watching short videos via social platforms. The researcher recommended the necessity of filming dramas in archaeological sites, in a creative and distinctive way, to engage the audience and enhance their knowledge of these places. With the use of social media platforms, to promote the drama and interact with the audience.


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