Visual and textual frames of the US President's visit to the Arab world - an analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Radio and Television teacher in the Department of Journalism and Media, College of Studies Islamic University at Al-Azhar University


The study aimed to reveal the visual and textual frames adopted by the sites of foreign channels in Arabic in dealing with the visit of the American president to the Arab world, and to clarify the differences between these sites in dealing with the visit, and to identify the issues, ideas and frames contained in the coverage of the president's visit. The study concluded that the highest percentage was The agreement of the visual frame with some of what was mentioned in the text on the cnn and dw sites was one by 57%, and the highest percentage of difference between the visual and textual frame was on the cgtn site by 57%, and the agreement between the visual and text frame was the same in the three sites by 28% .On the cgtn site, the main recurring character (President Biden) was represented by 41%, and the neutral character in the image was represented by 22.7%. , dw depended on the avatar at a close rate, while the cnn site did not depend on it at all, and it was found that there were statistically significant differences between the sites of the channels under study and the issues related to the visit of the American president; CGTN dealt with the Palestinian issue and achieved the highest frequency of 42.2%; While DW and CNN were close in dealing with international relations issues, their percentages, respectively, were 32.4% and 26.2%. It was found that there are partial statistically significant differences between the websites and text frames of Biden's visit to the Arab world. Where it was proven that there were statistically significant differences between the locations of the channels and the frame of accusation and threat. The highest percentage was in CGTN, 48.9%, then 12.3% in CNN, 5.9% in DW. DW, CNN, respectively, and there were no statistically significant differences between the channels and the framework of commitment and pledge, and the percentage was 32.4%, 23.1%, and 13.3% in DW, CNN, and CGTN, respectively.


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