Employing Augmented Reality Technology In Addressing the News Content of Climate Change in Satellite Channels “An Analytical Study”

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor in the Department of Media Faculty of Arts/ Sohag University


Augmented reality technology is one of the applications of artificial intelligence, which major media organizations, such as Sky News Arabia, resort to present content in a way that achieves integration, and a desire to attract more audiences on digital platforms. And in a way that enhances the viewer’s experience in merging with the content, and supports his upstanding undead assimilation of it, the nature of the work of augmented reality technology is derived from simulating the human mind. Therefore, the current study aims to discover the methods of employing augmented reality technology (in terms of form and content) as one of the applications of artificial intelligence in the production of media content on the issue of climate change on the satellite channels "Sky News in Arabic". An example،The study relies on the descriptive and analytical media survey methodology, and the study population was identified in the news content represented in "reports and news" on Sky News Arabia during the period from 10/1/2022 to 12/31/2022 using a comprehensive inventory of the news content. The researcher relied on the content analysis tool،The study concluded a number of results:1- The news content dealt with several main ideas about climate change in the world, and the news content relied on referring to charts. And augmented reality technology came through the projection process to show that this type of augmented reality is in its infancy, and it still needs more time to deal with it.2-The news content relied on images، due to their importance in highlighting the negative effects of climate through still or animated images،The news content relied on audio files in the first order, with a large and sound effects came to convey feelings of fear and danger, to attract the attention of the recipient, and to extinguish a psychological atmosphere commensurate with the content presented.


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