Digital Media and Awareness of Environmental Crises A field study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant teacher of media and communication at the Higher Institute for Literary Studies - King Mariout - Alexandria


Electronic media aims to contribute to the development of environmental awareness, and the formation of environmental awareness in a positive way aims to contribute to pushing citizens to change their behaviors harmful to the environment, and to actively participate in its care, and thus create motivation for the individual to participate in solving environmental problems by highlighting the element of interest or The interest of his participation, and through this study we will seek to identify the elements of environmental media and environmental awareness, and thus identify the contribution of the media in the development of environmental awareness of the individual.
The study sought to identify the role of electronic media in spreading and developing environmental awareness, educating the public about environmental crises and their consequences, which are closely related to the social and economic aspect, knowing the factors influencing the media treatment of environmental crises, monitoring the issues and topics addressed by websites about the environment and knowing their goals, knowing the role of environmental means. Electronic media coverage of the climate conference.
The study answered questions such as: What is the role of electronic media in spreading and developing environmental awareness? What are the factors affecting media treatment of environmental crises? What is the role of environmental media and electronic media in instilling awareness of environmental crises? What is the impact of environmental crises on the economic and social situation?


Main Subjects