Employing modern techniques for media documentation in production Documentary journalistic investigations

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Beni Suef University، Beni Suef ، Egypt


This study aims to explore the most important modern technological techniques used in media documentation, reveal ways to use modern technology in documenting and archiving journalistic materials, identify the most important sources of obtaining and tracking information and searching for it in electronic space to use it in the production of documentary journalistic investigations. This study is considered one of the field analytical studies. The study is based on the survey method, and the study uses content analysis and document analysis tools as tools for analytical study in analyzing documentary journalistic investigations, the study sample, and the focus group discussion tool as a tool for a field study to produce results on how to employ media documentation techniques in producing documentary journalistic investigations. The researcher concluded a set of The most important results are:
-      Most of the document repositories used in the journalistic investigations under study came in the form of electronic repositories, whether photos or video clips on websites or searches through websites that provide documents via cloud computing "one drive".
-      The documentary investigations sample of the research relied on various types and archival documentary materials, the most prominent of which were (photographs, movie trailers, promotional advertisement images, a video clip from YouTube, and archival press documents from Egyptian newspapers and magazines).
-      Egyptian newspapers have not yet used any artificial intelligence techniques in the field of documentation, archiving, or indexing and classifying paper or electronic issues.
-      The discussion group agreed to reject the use of traditional journalistic templates in modern journalistic writing and that documentary journalistic investigation differs from the journalistic investigation in its simplified or old form because it contains a long scenario of research, scrutiny and exploration through which the investigation was completed. Therefore, the use of the document within the structure of the journalistic topic is different from One investigation leads to another, and it does not have a specific template or scientific method.


Main Subjects

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