Concepts of Participation and their evolution from Traditional Public Sphere to Virtual Public Sphere "A Study of the evolution of Habermas's Theory of Public Sphere"

Document Type : Original Article


king Faisal university


The study aimed to explore the concept of participation within the framework of public Sphere theory, as well as its evolution from a traditional concept according to Habermas to the default public Sphere that contemporary societies witness and are shaped within. The study relied on a basic hypothesis: the relationship between participation and enhancing the public Sphere is a relational one and the media, through its various means, has an important role in it.
     The study's conclusions from the analysis of Habermas's writings on the public Sphere indicated: that participation and exchange of opinions is an essential pillar in building and establishing the public Sphere, either traditional or Virtual Public Sphere.
      Participation is the main measure of citizen integration and contribution to the Public Sphere. It is the actual practice of developing the ability of citizens using social media to share knowledge and ideas with others without excluding or marginalizing any group.
In the same way, it was found that social media created a different public space based on the practice of digital participation mechanisms (the concept), which caused qualitative changes witnessed by most contemporary societies, including Arab societies that witnessed a social and political movement shaped by the possibilities of interaction and participation available through these means. This requires developing the theory of the public Sphere to suit the urgent research needs to study and explain the rapid developments of the Virtual Public Sphere.


Main Subjects

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