Investigative Documentaries Address Issues OF Ambiguity (Black Box Series Model)

Document Type : Original Article


1 najah

2 university


     This analytical study aimed to find out the extent to which investigative documentary programs address ambiguity issues through Al Jazeera Documentary Channel in the period between (2013 AD and 2016 AD), and the study used the theory of media framing as a theoretical basis to study how the films presented by the channel are framed, and the researcher chose a simple random sample of 13 films out of 40% of the study population, covering the selected study period, the study summarized for a number of results, the most important of which were:

Political topics ranked first, followed by economic and social topics.
Palestinian issues came first, followed by issues related to Yemen.
The majority of the sources used were interviews and documents.

Persuasion methods relied heavily on officials and then on eyewitnesses.
Portraits topped the highest percentage, which amounted to 19.7%, and the most prominent shots used were medium shots at 25.1%, then the general shot at 17.8%, then by close to medium shot near 16.7%, the most used voices in the black box program are male voices by 86.2% and the most used for them was in 2016.


Main Subjects

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