" Digital media and its impact on social values between generations - a comparative field study between adults and children "

Document Type : Original Article


Alexandria Media Institute


The study aims to identify digital media and the technological development that accompanies it, its implications on social values between generations, and knowledge of the generation gap. This study used the uses and gratifications theory and the knowledge gap theory. This study belongs to descriptive research. The media survey method was used, and the questionnaire form was applied to a non-probability intentional sample, specifically a sample of the elderly and the younger ones, and they were divided into age groups equally to ensure the integrity of the sample. It consists of 200 units.
 The study concluded that technological progress has affected our customs, values, and behavior by a percentage of 89.5. This demonstrates the negative impact of technology on social values in Egyptian society.
The results showed that there is a clear and tangible generational gap in Egyptian society, reaching a percentage of 95%.
The results showed that the new concepts and ideas acquired were not present among parents with technological progress, as it came at a percentage of 70%, and this explains the difference between the two generations and the gap between them.
The results showed that what made the ancient society most cohesive and cohesive in its value system was the absence of technology with a percentage of 50.5%, while in the last place was the absence of means of entertainment with a percentage of 7.5, while good socialization came in second with a percentage of 35%. While in fourth place was shortening working hours by a percentage of 6.5. Here, the impact of technology indicates the transformation of social values, and their absence makes society an interconnected society.


Main Subjects

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