Perceptions of Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) and its Impact on The Egyptian Consumers’ Response “Retailers Stores as a model”

Document Type : Original Article


The study aimed to reveal the impact of consumer perceptions of corporate retail social irresponsibility on consumer response. Such response against the companies includes distrust, negative word of mouth (NWOM), boycotts, and support of legal actions there-against. This study used a survey as a methodology. The research developed a questionnaire to collect data from a deliberate sample of (340) shoppers of retail stores in Greater Cairo. Interviews were also conducted with (18) shoppers and with several Consumer Protection Agency department managers in Mohandesseen and Smart Village branches. Subject to the findings hereof, we determined that perceptions of the social retail store's irresponsibility included perceptions towards the customers, the workers, the environment, and the society. The study concluded that there was a significant effect of consumer perceptions of the social irresponsibility of retail stores in terms of distrust in retail stores and negative word of mouth (NWOM), while there was no proof that there was a significant effect of the same in terms of a boycott of and support of legal actions against the companies. Furthermore, the field study indicated that there were no differences in consumer response to retail companies’ social irresponsibility in terms of demographic factors such as: (gender, age, and socioeconomic level). While, on the other hand, differences were found in terms of educational level in favor of the higher educational (university and post-university) level compared to (the middle level).


Main Subjects

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