Audience Perceptions of the Impact of Algorithmic Systems on the Distribution of News Content on Facebook and Its Relationship with Their Interactive Behavior

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism and Integrated Media Department Faculty of Mass Communication Ahram Canadian University


Behind the distribution of all social media content are complex algorithms that analyze vast amounts of user data, their interactions, and preferences to organize personalized feeds. The algorithms systems of customization, recommendation, and prioritization have naturally extended to the field of news. Despite the positive effects that algorithms seem to have, there are challenges surrounding them. The power held by Facebook in determining what the audience sees raises questions about the fairness and neutrality of its algorithms. It may prioritize content that garners more interaction, such as sensational content, over more substantive content. Additionally, it might block content that does not align with its specific policies.
The study aimed to uncover the audience's perceptions on algorithmic organization on Facebook to understand their awareness of the existence of algorithms and the values that should be present in them. The results showed a high level of algorithmic awareness, but participants did not fully realize the human interventions behind these algorithms that could impact their decisions. The users acknowledged the challenges in algorithmic organization, as predictions may misjudge the importance of content, pushing it to users despite being unrelated to their interests.
Moreover, positive perceptions of the audience toward values such as justice, impartiality, the ability to hold algorithms accountable, and transparency in understanding them decreased. The study highlighted the need for users to play a positive role by reporting inappropriate content, and the importance of users understanding how algorithms work and the customization and recommendation processes to address issues of repetition.



Main Subjects

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