The impact of using artificial intelligence tools in predicting consumer behaviour -A quasi-experimental study within the framework of the technology acceptance model

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of media and mass communication, Misr for science technology university


The study seeks to determine the impact of using various tools for artificial intelligence to predict consumer behavior and to identify the role of artificial intelligence, which plays a decisive role in improving the relationship of companies with consumers, enhancing their operational performance, and achieving better results, through experimental application on an experimental group consisting of 40 respondents, and analytical analysis of several artificial intelligence tools, during the period from 10/24/2023 until 11/14/2023. The study found that there is a correlation between the prediction rate of consumer behavior when using artificial intelligence tools and the elements of the technology acceptance model and that there is a moderate (positive) correlation between predicting consumer behavior when using artificial intelligence tools and the elements of the technology acceptance model, There are no statistically significant differences between the two study groups (males, females) before using artificial intelligence tools, and we conclude from this that there is an agreement between genders regarding before using artificial intelligence tools, There are statistically significant differences between the two categories of the study (males, females) regarding the ease of using artificial intelligence tools after using them. We conclude from this that there is a difference between the two categories of the study (males, and females) regarding the ease of using artificial intelligence tools after using them.


Main Subjects

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