Experts' Vision for the Future Role of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Managing Social Media Publications During Crisis "A Forward-looking Study in the Next Decade (2024-2034M)

Document Type : Original Article


department of media-faculty of art- Alexandria university


The current study aims to detect experts' vision of the future impact of AI Algorithms for managing social media posts during crises during the next decade 2024-2034, in order to detect future changes that may affect this phenomenon, including Content makers, users, international organizations, and AI technics by applying the Delphi method to survey a sample of 30 digital media experts with 10 experts for each academic, and practitioners of digital media, as well as experts in data processing, information, and artificial intelligence, one of the studies found is, There is many factors impact how AI algorithms manage Social media posts which is The content, the crisis, technical factors, and social media owners, which is expected to increase especially during political crises. Facebook's policy leads i the most bias in what is published during crises, experts predicted a number of future changes that will affect the role of social media algorithms during crises, such as users' lack of trust in social media, as for content creator, they will seek more accurate and objective alternatives. Regarding the impact of AI technologies, experts expected AI technologies to reduce the control of social media owners and increase users' role in controlling content. Experts also stressed the need for attention to digital media education to increase users' awareness of how these tools work and how to deal with them.


Main Subjects

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