News Frameworks of Corona Pandemic in the Arab Press- An Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed at monitoring, analyzing and interpreting the news frameworks in which the study newspapers presented (Al-Gomhoria- Middle East- Al-Diyar- Al-Shorouk) the Corona virus from 25 March to 25 June 2020 and to uncover the various framing mechanisms used by the study newspapers. This study is considered one of the descriptive studies that used the media survey method. The study also relied on the content analysis instrument of a sample of news and investigative materials which consist of 1279 news articles.  It also used the theory of news frameworks and reached many results; the most important ones are:
- The Saudi newspaper, the Middle East, came on top of the study newspapers dealing with the Corona pandemic, followed by the Egyptian newspaper in second place, followed by the Algerian newspaper, Al-Shorouk, was in third place, and then the Lebanese newspaper, Al-Diyar, in the fourth and the last place.
- The general framework was ranked as the first among the types of frameworks used in the study newspapers, and the specified framework was ranked in the second and the last place.
- The study newspapers revealed that the framework of the conflict with its three levels ranked as the first among the frameworks used in the study newspapers in dealing with the Corona virus, followed by the responsibility framework in the second place, followed by the framework of economic consequences in the third place, and then the framework of human interests in the last place.
- The study newspapers employed many framing mechanisms in dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic.  Fear came in first place among the framing mechanisms used in study newspapers, followed by the confirmation mechanism in the second place, then the intimidation mechanism in the third place, followed by the minimization mechanism in the fourth place, then the blackout in the fifth and the last place.
- The political reference ranked as the first among the reference frameworks used in the study newspapers, followed by the humanitarian reference in the second place, then the religious reference in the third place, while the security reference came in the fifth place, followed by the historical reference, then the social reference in the last place.


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