News treatment of Arab political crises by application to Nile News Channel “Analytical study of a sample of The Eighth Panorama”

Document Type : Original Article


Master Researcher, Department of Media- Faculty of Arts, Helwan University


The study aimed to uncover the way the Nile News Channel handled the
news of these crises. The news frame theory was employed in this study. This
study used a content analysis tool, and it depended on a design for the Nile
News Channel “8 PM Panorama” content analysis form. This study analyzed
a sample of bulletins. It was represented by 31 bulletins from July 1, 2020 to
July 31, 2020.
The study concluded to a number of results
- The Nile News Channel’s interest in Arab political crises is rather small, and
this is due to it As a government channel, “8 PM Panorama” devotes more
time to Egyptian internal affairs in its official bulletins for the state in the
first place.
-For the Nile Channel “8 PM Panorama” - Most of the Arab political crises
news were presented in the middle of news bulletins, and this is the journalistic type most used by the channel during its treatment of news related
to the Arab political crises.


Main Subjects